How to: Stream musics on Naver Music!

Assalamualaikum and hi!

Ok harini nak ajar korang macam mana nak stream lagu for FREE dekat Naver Music. Benda free kot siapa tak nak kan? ;) So, basically Naver Music ni salah satu application yang popular! (mainly dekat korea sebab developer dia is Naver corp.) Korang boleh stream banyak kali untuk tolong fav group korang dapat high vote (tak tau nak explain macam mana haha!).

So, ada caranya korang nak stream lagu for free tapi kalau tak nak boleh bayar sendiri okay ;)

p/s: korang kena ada account naver dulu. Cara nak sign up boleh google okay sebab page dia fully in korean.

1. Download Naver Music dekat device korang.
For me, I downloaded the app on my Samsung device sebab cari dekat app store Msia tak jumpa. I don't know about others but kalau takde tu jangan sedih2 okay ;) application dia macam dekat bawah ni.

Okay, lepas dah download, kena sign in dekat naver music. Cara nak sign in pun boleh google sendiri ye awak-awak ;) tak faham tanya je.

2. Sign in twitter
Lepas dah sign in naver music, korang kena sign in account twitter. Kalau takde twitter pun takpe kot sebab korang kena pergi dekat (#) je. Dekat (#) ni lah korang boleh dapat free coupon tau! Sila copy&paste hashtag tu dekat bahagian search.

Nak free coupon tu boleh cari dekat hashtag ni #내_가수1위만들기

3. Click link yang start daripada

Macam link yang atas & second tu. Lepas korang click link tu, dia akan direct korang pergi dekat website naver. Don't freak out, fam. Ok, this step korang boleh je guna any device as long korang log in account naver.

4. Dah dapat free coupon! 
Lepas korang dah click n log in naver, dia akan bagitau korang dapat ke tidak free coupon tu. Kalau dah dapat, dia akan keluar macam ni:

Again, don't freak out because everything is in korean. Korang tekan je button hijau tu and pufff korang dah dapat free pass to stream 80 lagu! You can now enjoy your journey. Tapi kalau failed (bear tu macam kemurungan nanti kalau failed), korang boleh tekan link lain sampai dia keluar macam bear atas tu. Tapi kalau boleh, tekan link tu between 9.00p.m to 9.30p.m lah sebab dia start available from 10.00p.m KST (bcs they're 1 hour earlier from Malaysia). 

Good luck guys! Kalau tak faham, can ask me on my twitter  tau! Have fun with your new baby ;) hehe


Fashion Talk: Blazer

Assalamualaikum and hi!

I'm back with a new topic to talk about and this time, it's going to be about fashion! *excitement exploded*. As a woman, i do care about fashion. Everyday i'll go crazy to decide what to wear. Girls are complicated, i tell you. Lol. But, for workers, it might be crazier because you have to wear something that's going to make you look as professional as possible (really, huh? Haha). Outerwear such as blazer, will play a very important role in your daily life as a worker. No more worries girls because now you will know what to wear to work! ;)


As we all know, a lot of women nowadays are rocking the career ladder building their success and strengthening their resume. However, for women, dressing up to work can be as challenging as picking an outfit to go on a date. If you are running out of ideas, one piece of clothing that will make your fashion worries disappear is a blazer. Blazer definitely helps add that touch of professionalism to your appearance while you are at work. For the ladies who are clueless on the blazer choices perfect to be worn to work, take a look at the selections below.

1. Black blazers

      Black blazers are always the classic piece every woman should own in their closet at home. Really. The black blazers give that sophisticated look and suitable to be matched with just about anything you have on so you don't have to be worry about your look. Store at least one black blazer as your go-to piece when you have no idea what to wear to work.

2. White blazers

As same as black blazers, women are seen flaunting white blazers as their formal attire as well. White 
blazers helps give you a more polished look while still maintaining your feminine charm. Mix match it with a nice pair of jeans for the smart casual look at the office or go for printed bottoms to get an elegant appearance.

3. Printed blazers

For the individuals who are out-going and love playing with colours, try printed blazers as it gives you that mood boost as well as confidence to lead your day at work. Choose from the various printed blazer designs available from many brands and pick out the ones which you adore. Style them according to your personal style and flaunt it off in front of your colleagues at the workplace. I swear you will feel more confident!

These are the tips that can help you to feel good with what you wear at work! If you want to find some good blazers, you can visit Zalora's website. (or if you want to find some good stuffs with affordable prices, you can go there too. Haha!) I'll come back with another fashion talk sooner or later so be ready guys ;) Bye!



Assalamualaikum and hi!

Oh well, just got back after a few months! I don't have time to open my laptop and write on my blog. So sorry for that! Selamat Hari Raya to everyone who celebrates :) this is just an update because SPM is getting nearer and the feeling is making me really nervous. I will sure make some times to update my blog (still not sure tho lol). I told you guys that i'm going to do a skincare post but sadly, i'm having a breakout right now so will do that later! Hope you guys have wonderful days and happy life. Wish me the best (inshaAllah). 사랑해요 ❤️

p/s: i'm writing this post using my phone because i have the symptom of laziness (yes, laziness to open my laptop) haha! Bye peeps.


Students life!

(source: Pinterest)
Assalamualaikum and hi!

Ni first post untuk 2016 kan lol. Maaf kalau tak banyak post untuk tahun lepas dan tahun ni sebab tahun ni dah spm t.t Aku ada tengok 'students life' dekat Korea macam mana dan aku cuba bandingkan dengan 'students life' dekat Malaysia. Memang jauh beza. Ada lah timbul sikit rasa kesian dekat diorang sebab belajar sampai ke pagi lepastu tidur cuma 2-3 jam je. Dekat Malaysia tidur 24 jam pun dalam kelas bukannya nak fokus lol (my opinion).

Dekat Malaysia ni ada macam-macam sekolah tapi yang common pun cuma sekolah harian, international school, sekolah asrama penuh dan sekolah agama. Aku cerita ni pasal sekolah aku je eh. Sekolah lain aku tak pasti sistem dia macam mana. Sekolah aku mula pukul 7.30a.m sampai 2.30p.m untuk hari Isnin, Selasa dan Khamis. Hari Rabu pagi, ada kokurikulum so balik pukul 3.50p.m. Hari Jumaat pula balik pukul 12.20p.m sebab yang lelaki kena pergi solat Jumaat waktu zohor.

(source: Pinterest)
Untuk budak Form 3 (15y/o) dan Form 5 (17y/o), selalunya kena stayback lepas sekolah untuk kelas tambahan. Hari Sabtu pun kadang-kadang ada kelas tambahan tapi selalunya cikgu-cikgu akan utamakan pelajar Form 5 sebab nak spm kan. Ada juga yang pergi tuition untuk every subject tapi aku pergi untuk Maths & Add Maths je sebab untuk subjek lain tu aku rasa aku boleh belajar sendiri dekat rumah lol. Oh ye, dekat sekolah aku ada lebih kurang 4 subjek sehari dan 1 masa untuk setiap subjek duration dia 40 minit. Subjek aku mostly ada 2 masa so kena belajar 1 subjek selama 1 jam 20 minit. Tak lama pun. Kau buat kerja, tengok-tengok dah tinggal lagi 10 minit haha!

Nanti-nanti aku post pasal skincare pulak (tak janji hahah). Ok. Bye.

Happy New Year!
